• TRAX!

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3.2 Tables

In Trax, you can draw a table from in one piece but you can also build the table out of segments. Segments are parts of the table that you can move separately. You can pin the tracks to it, to ensure it moves with the table.

Creating tables

The functions for drawing walls, windows and doors are found on the room tab.

Insert a table by input

1. Then click this icon: input
2. Put in the width and height in the corresponding input fields
3. Click on the 'Create table' button.

Draw a freeform table

1. Then click the outline icon:
2. Click the editor to start drawing the table. You draw lines from corner to corner. Once you click on the starting point, the table is ready.


Moving tables

You can move segments by first clicking on the table. In the middle of the segment then shows a handle: handle which you can drag to drag the segment.

Changing table

- Double-click a table: now handles appear at all angles. By dragging these handles you change the shape of the table.
- When in editor modus, double click a side to insert a new point at that position.


Glue to table

Tables can contain their own tracks and scenery objects, that will move and rotate with the table. This way tables can be independent segments or modules, or can be used as layers in your design. To attach tracks and objects to a table, you can use the glue function.

  1. Select the table
  2. On the table tab, locate the group 'Modules'
  3. Click the glue button:

TRAX will now attach all objects and track on this table to it. You will see all glued track glow for a few seconds.

When you make a new starting point on the table, by right clicking it and choosing 'new startingpoint', the new section will directly become attached to the table.




About Ngongo B

Ngongo B is a Dutch company, registered with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce. It is held by Fedor van Eldijk.

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The Netherlands



