• TRAX!

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What am I up to?

Sure, I know it has been quiet here. Most of it due to work currently consuming a lot of my time.

But I did not entirely abandon TRAX. Last few months I have been reading up on WebGL and did a lot of experiments to see how we can do TRAX in 3D. I am now at a point where I have decided to start working on TRAX 3 - or maybe it should be called TRAX 3D.

3D will not just be a view-able mode - the entire editor will be build on the 3D engine. It will still provide a 2D top down view that will largely provide the same experience as the current version, but it will be very easy to go into 3D perspective and have the same editor features as in the 2D view.

I am still working on the overall graphic style, I am not a big fan of the graphic style of the 3D views of most model railway design packages, I want to make it a bit more stylized.
The newest tutorial has been addes: #2 - the basics... it replaces the old Basics tutorial.
I have added a lot of NMRA Modules to the module list.
The new TRAX Introduction tutorial is finished, now featuring the new interface:
Last week a lot of bugs were fixed, please keep sending whatever you think is broken!

- The Undo/Redo function is fixed, it now also allows to undo/redo table and object movement, and changing table points.
- The copy/paste function is repaired.
- 'New Start' is now working both on the canvas as on the tables.
- The help button in the editor is working again. Please note that it shows a pop-up. If your browser suppresses pop-ups, this one won't show. Save thing goes for the printer pop-up.
- The track attributes (bridges and tunnels) can be selected, they were hidden.
- Settings are being saved
- There were some problems with the colors and the legend. Now you can change colors, toggle between visible and invisible, and edit the names of the colors.
- Inserting parallel track now allows to change the distance using a spinner field.
TRAX2 has finally been launched!
My apologies for the problem with the certificate, my fault. I lost it during the migration but luckily my provider recovered it. And we also moved the server to a faster platform. It now has SSD Disks which really speeds things up.
Enjoy the new TRAX!
Hi all!
Welcome to the new TRAX website. Please join us testing it and let us know your findings in the forum. There is a special category called 'BETA TRAX2'
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Ngongo B is a Dutch company, registered with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce. It is held by Fedor van Eldijk.

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